Numbers at Work supports the Our Manchester vision of a highly skilled city…
“A ‘knowledge’ city where all Manchester children are given the opportunity to go to excellent schools that will prepare them for the very competitive future job market.”
Employers look for employees to have basic maths qualifications as standard. That’s where BW3 and local businesses come in with ‘Numbers at Work’; together providing fun, maths based sessions for primarily school children aged 10 and 11.
By taking students out of the usual classroom maths sessions, they get the chance to enjoy and appreciate how maths and problem solving is used every day in the workplace, across a variety of different job roles and industries. It soon dawns on them that what they are learning really does apply to real life situations.
The sessions are created and delivered by volunteers from BW3 member businesses supported by the BW3 Co-ordinator.
How does it work?
Taking place over a morning, Numbers at Work involves four or five different workshops that each group of children rotates around. Each workshop activity is delivered by a local organisation and usually involve maths based activities relevant to their business.

Why get involved?

Help your local future workforce to engage in maths and showcase why maths attainment is important.

Help primary school students to see what future employment opportunities there are.

Introduce students to your business or brand and showcase it to the local talent.

Motivate, reward and recognise employees by providing them with an opportunity to give and gain.

Help employees develop their own personal skills.
Get Involved!
Like what you see and want to get involved? Fill out the form below and we will be in touch ASAP.